Loss of Territory to the Water: Benefit or loss?
According to the Floods Directive, the Randers Fjord is designated a risk area, and risk management plans have been made. The content of this project is to map the areas, and develop a strategy focusing on active integrating Climate Change Adaption (CCA), nature, inhabitants, development and economy. The subsequent implementation of the strategy will lead to a coherent, sustainable and adequate land use. This action is primarily aligned with governance and tools within seas & fjords and rivers.
Main responsible beneficiary: Norddjurs Municipality
Number of days estimated spent on action in phase 1: 158 Days
Budget: 177.280€
Beneficiaries responsible for implementation: Randers Municipality (RK) and Norddjurs Municipality (NDR)
Role of Nordjurs Municipality:
- Is the project manager
- Works with the following dike associations assecondary stakeholders: (at NDR side) Drammelstrup Enges Landvindingslag, Hollandsbjerg-Bode-Stenalt Enges Landvindingslag, Hejbækkens Landvindingslag, Karholme Landvindingslag, Allingåbro Enges Landvindingslag, Vivild-Hevring Enges Landvindingslag, Holbækgård Pumpelag, and (at RK side) Albæk pumpelag, Tjærby- Vestrup pumpelag, Assentoft m.fl. Byers pumpelag, Kristrup enges pumpelag, Dronningborg Tjærby enges landvindingslag, Støvring enges landvindingslag, Udbyneder enges landvindingslag, Romalt enges landvindingslag, Øster Tørslev m.fl. byers, landvindingslag, Råby m.fl. enges landvindingslag, Gjerlev, Ø. Tørslev m.fl. enges landvindingslag, Dronningborg Vestre enges pumpelag,
- Reports and cooperates with PM (CDR) and C12 project manager
Relation to CCA plans
NDR CCA plan pp. 14-16
RK CCA plan p. 35 and risk management plan p. 71.