Beneficiary responsible for implementation:
Central Denmark Region (CDR)

Budget: 438.167€

Number of days estimated spent on action in phase 1: 182 Days

Role of Central Denmark Region as main responsible

  • Facilitator, coordinator and networking body of the Climate Change Adaption (CCA) activities.
  • Coordinates activities with partners, such as Central Denmark EU Office, and stakeholders, such as private companies, universities and NGO’s
  • Coordinates with other C actions on innovation such as C.20, C.21, C.22 and C.23

Linked to Complementary Actions

To support C7.4, Central Denmark Region will be applying ERDF (via Growth Forum CDR) for funding to support its efforts to boost export of water solutions globally. The project is called ‘Smart Water Cities’ and integrates environmental and societal challenges into business opportunities in emerging city markets for water management and water supply solutions. The expected sum is: 1.600.000 €

Description (what, how, where and when):
C2C CC innovation action gathers and makes use of a number of business related activities which take place in C1-C7 and within the actions C8-C24. Besides, this action has a number of own activities to promote sustainability of C2C CC. On the long run, resilience is increased by generating jobs and green investments in the region, and this action takes its point of departure in a strong regional emphasis on business development and public-private cooperation in general and in the water sector in particular. It also promotes the development of sustainable and high-quality coastal, nature and business tourism.

C7.1 Networking and knowledge-sharing as a backbone for innovation

C7.2 Counselling of innovative industries on applying for EU funding

C7.3 Train start-up companies on business development within ecosystem services

C7.4 Support export of Danish water solutions

Reasons why this action is necessary

Constraints and assumptions

Expected results

Cost estimation

