D. 14-15 marts afholder C2C CC, Centre for Environmental Humanities (CEH) og afdelingen for Arkæologi og Kulturarvsstudier en to-dags konference om Klima Arv på Moesgård Museum i Århus.

Konferencen handler om det komplekse forhold mellem arv og klimaforandringer, og den måde et forandrende klima påvirker vores natur og kultur arv på.

Der er mulighed for at deltage begge dage eller enten torsdag eller fredag.

Vi har brug for, at du som C2C CC partner tager dine kolleger med, som arbejder med klimatilpasning, kultur- og turisme, samt dit lokale museum.

Læs mere og tilmeld her.

Invitation to workshop on Climate Heritage: Climate change and its relation to cultural/natural heritage

  1. Invitation in English below

Det er med stor fornøjelse vi hermed kan invitere dig til workshoppen Climate|Heritage: Climate change and its relation to cultural/natural heritage. Workshoppen afholdes d. 14. & 15. Marts 2019, på Aarhus Universitet Campus Moesgaard, og er arrangeret af Coast 2 Coast Climate Challenge og Centre for Environmental Humanities (CEH) i samarbejde med afdelingen Arkæologi og kulturarvsstudier, Aarhus Universitet.

Denne to-dags konference omhandler det komplekse forhold mellem natur/kulturarv og klimaforandringer, og den måde et klima i forandring påvirker denne arv. Den første dag vil emnet blive belyst gennem en række oplæg og præsentationer fra forskellige områder og lande. Dag 2 vil tage udgangspunkt i den foregående dags oplæg, og er en halv dags workshop specifikt målrettet aktører i Region Midtjylland. Denne dag vil der være fokus på implementering og aktivering af kultur/naturarven på regionalt og kommunalt niveau og på potentialet i at bruge arv som en katalysator for borgerinddragelse og samfundsmæssig handling. Første dag vil foregå udelukkende på engelsk. Dag to på både dansk og engelsk.

Key Notes:

  • Marcy Rockman, International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) Climate Change and Heritage Working Group
  • Dolly Jørgensen, Professor of History at University of Stavanger, Norway and co-director of The Greenhouse, an environmental humanities initiative at the University of Stavanger
  • Morien Rees, Chairman of the Working Group on Sustainability in the International Council of Museums (ICOM)
  • Marianne Rasmussen & Pernille Denise Frederiksen, Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces
  • Gry Hedin, ARKEN Museum of Modern Art
  • Mairi Davies, Climate Change Manager, Historic Environment Scotland

Det er muligt at deltage begge dage, eller enten torsdag eller fredag.
Det er gratis at deltage, men tilmeld dig gerne her: https://events.au.dk/climateheritage2019

Du er velkommen til at cirkulere denne invitation til andre i dit netværk, som kunne være interesserede i workshoppen.

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the workshop Climate|Heritage: Climate change and its relation to cultural/natural heritage. The workshop will be held March 14th-15th, 2019 at Aarhus University Campus Moesgaard and is hosted by Coast 2 Coast Climate Challenge and Centre for Environmental Humanities (CEH) in collaboration with the department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies at Aarhus University.  

This two-day conference focuses on the complex relationships between heritage and climate change, and the way a changing climate affects our natural and cultural heritage. The first day will involve a number of presentations and inspirations from different subject areas and countries. This will be followed by a half-day of working in groups aimed specifically at colleagues from throughout the Central Denmark Region focused on implementation at the municipal or regional level and the potential of using heritage as a catalyst for social action and citizen engagement. The second day will be conducted in both Danish and English.

Key Notes:

  • Marcy Rockman, International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) Climate Change and Heritage Working Group
  • Dolly Jørgensen, Professor of History at University of Stavanger, Norway and co-director of The Greenhouse, an environmental humanities initiative at the University of Stavanger
  • Morien Rees, Chairman of the Working Group on Sustainability in the International Council of Museums (ICOM)
  • Marianne Rasmussen & Pernille Denise Frederiksen, Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces
  • Gry Hedin, ARKEN Museum of Modern Art
  • Mairi Davies, Climate Change Manager, Historic Environment Scotland

It is possible to participate in on both days of the workshop, or either Thursday or Friday.
Participation is free of charge but please register here: https://events.au.dk/climateheritage2019


We encourage you to circulate this invitation to others in your network who could be interested in participating.


Best regards


Felix Riede

Professor (MSO) in Environmental Humanities

Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, Aarhus University


Uffe Krogh

Research Assistant

Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, Aarhus University