C5: Governance
Beneficiary responsible for implementation:
Central Denmark Region (CDR)
Budget: 190.560€
Number of days estimated spent on action in phase 1: 175 Days
Role: CDR take on the role as a facilitator, coordinator and networking body of the CCA activities.
Relation to CLimate Change Adaption (CCA) plan:
14 of the CCA plans and three of the risk management plans mention the importance of cooperation in relation to CCA.
Linked to Complementary Actions:
"Plowing Free Denmark - a green twist of agriculture towards conservation agriculture" Aarhus University The action supplements C5 by changed agricultural practice to reduce flooding. [Accepted for full application in May 2016, VELUX Foundations].
“WaterCoG”: A project around the North Sea involving eight beneficiaries from DK, NL, SE and UK. The focus is on improved water governance in the private and public sector and includes pilots in the region. Testing and demonstrating new management tools. The WaterCoG and C2C CC will have strong synergies in relation to water management, planning and stakeholder involvement. Complements C5. [Funded by InterregVB].
Citizen awareness: Outreach and communication to strengthen citizens’ awareness to act on climate change. In cooperation with researchers, teaching staff and children. Complements C5. [Funded by Regional Development Funds].
Description (what, how, where and when):
The aim of C5 is building capacity for a new CCA governance paradigm stressing integrated planning and accommodating the entire hydrological cycle. The objective is to increase resilience through capacity-building, strengthened network governance and cross-border coordinated planning.
The aim of this action is to gather best practices related to integrative planning, which may be used as inspiration to develop a new paradigm for integrative CCA planning practice with emphasis on sustainability and capacity development; first of all among the partners of C2C CC, and secondly to feed into the international agenda on integrative CCA planning with state-of-the-art knowledge.
The first part of the action will gather knowledge on integrative planning within the water and environment sector, including experiences from the Danish river basin management plans (under the Water Framework Directive), other EU supported projects (e.g. catchment based approach in Usserød River (Usserød Å), which is a LIFE Environment project).
This knowledge is specifically applied in C2C CC through actions C9, C10, C12, C15, C18, C19, C24 and through the C2C CC consortium and network. It is however relevant for all C2C CC actions. It is further applied in the formulation a common regional strategy that supports future coordination and integrative planning of the municipal CCA plans. This strategy will be a voluntary document with no official legal authority. However, as there is a broad mutual understanding between the municipalities of the need for a common approach and strategy, this document may form a strong basis for future collaboration and activities across administrative borders. The strategy will also serve as documentation of the collaborative process and a basis for applying for funding for future integrative projects. Following, the experiences of the review of best practice, state-of-the-art demonstration projects are gathered in a report and will serve to give recommendations for local governments in general.
The following activities will be conducted:
- Collaboration with research institutions on state-of-the-art in integrative planning
- Expert consultations to raise awareness on the importance of integrative planning and to motivate programme actions to have a holistic approach and to analyze the opportunities of synergies between CCA, climate change mitigation, biodiversity, nature, tourism/recreation, agriculture, and environmental issues.
- Review of European reports and project experiences related to integrative planning in the water and environment sector incl. experiences from the EU LIFE IP project Rivers Trust in England.
- Interviews with Danish Ministry of Environment on the network management of the River Basin Management plans and with Aalborg University, Aarhus University and KLIKOVAND on the experiences on network governance of CCA in Denmark.
- Study tour to Germany and The Netherlands to study organizational and practical solutions on CCA and coastal challenges.
- Training course in integrative planning processes and network governance for officials
- Common regional strategy:
- 6 catchment based workshops with C2C CC partners to define cross-cutting issues and activities and to decide on a common framework for integrative planning.
- Development and formulation of a common regional strategy on CCA with the outset in integrative planning and network governance.
- At least one of the 6 C2C CC thematic partner seminars (stormøde) has adopted integrative planning as a common theme.
- At the end of each phase, an evaluation and assessment with a focus on the needs on future integrated cross partner actions within C2C CC will be conducted. This done to secure the direction and processes are carried out in the right way.
Where: CDR and Study tour.
Phase 1: Activities 1-3 and 6
Phase 2 and beyond (2019-2022): Activities 4, 5, 6
CDR’s approach to networking and knowledge-sharing is illustrated in Figure 13. The backbone of this approach is dialogue, and CDR invites all relevant stakeholders to participate in networking activities and to contribute to defining mutual challenges in order to create a common understanding of the core matters. Stakeholders are different and have varying interests, and often specific issues must be clarified, analysed or explained before the network is able to decide on common solutions to the mutual challenges. This foundation for decision making is procured by the CDR by dealing with the best national consultants and international knowledge institutions. On this basis, the network defines a common strategy, and jointly determines who are able to contribute what, in order to reach the common objectives. CDR is able to take on leadership because of the region’s impartiality and with point of departure in the regional development strategy (Regional Udviklingsplan (RUP)), which emphasizes sustainable development.
- In corporation with the advisory committee and steering group, a workshop every year will be held with a special focus not covered by the other initiatives and actions.
- At the end of each phase, an evaluation and assessment with focus on the needs on future integrated cross partner actions within will be conducted. This done to secure the direction and processes are carried out in the right way.
CDR and collaborative research institutions
Phase 1: Activities 1-2
Phase 2 and beyond: Activities 1-2
The Advisory Committee includes, amongst others, experts in planning processes and network governance. Experts will aid the demonstration actions in how to act in processes with many actors. This action builds upon theoretical schools relating governance theory to the development from government to governance and further to network governance, and it draws on experiences from the projects “Water in urban areas” and “The farmer as a water manager”.
Several of the actions of C2C CC are characterized by many partners or many stakeholders e.g. The Western Part of the Limfjord (C9) consist of a partnership between 7 municipalities and 7 utilities, and The River Gudenåen consist of a partnership between 7 municipalities and 1 utility. Furthermore, CCA projects consist many more actors and professionals than public authorities are accustomed to handle. These actors are among others different departments within their own organizations, utility companies, land owners (e.g. citizens and farmers) and NGOs. There is thus a need to build capacity in how to govern integrative development processes in this multi-stakeholder framework.
Phase 1:
- Six individual workshops between the Advisory Committee and the actions C9, C10, C11, C12, C13 and C14.
- Call service, where the partners can call the Advisory Committee for advice.
- One half day seminar with expert presentations on theoretical aspects and partner presentation with initial experiences.
Phase 2 and 3:
4. Repetition of Phase 1.
Central Denmark Region
When: 2017-2021
This action involves many capacity building activities with the aim to improve the prerequisites for implementing the CCA plans among especially the municipalities and their respective utilities. Activities are focused on topic specific training courses, workshops and masterclasses, with point of departure in the challenges experienced by the partners. Training courses serve the purpose to provide officials with competences to carry out actual tasks e.g. on how to involve citizens when implementing local SUDS. Workshops will focus on mutual exchange of ideas and experiences between C2C CC actions and related projects. Masterclasses take their point of departure in one or more municipalities’ concrete challenges and needs and the possible solutions identified by C2C CC partners.
Some of the challenges already expressed by the partners are among others stakeholder and citizen involvement, issues related to rise in groundwater level, issues related to larger and more frequent storms and coastal management, local contingency planning and cross-border contingency planning.
All workshop and network activities arranged by the project management of C2C CC will be evaluated by the participants (cf. D1), special attention is paid to wishes and needs for training courses within specific subjects. According to the feedback of the C2C CC partners courses may also be arranged on ad hoc basis.
Phase 1:
- CDR develops a capacity development programme for the C2C CC partnership to be held in Phase 2 and 3 on the basis of the evaluations and dialogue with partners.
Phase 2 and beyond:
- Training courses:
- 1 training course on stakeholder and citizen involvement
- 1 training course on emergency/contingency planning and roles of citizens and stakeholders during emergencies
- At least three additional courses according to needs.
- Workshops:
- Evaluation workshop organised as an Experience (ERFA)-meeting on the progress of the municipalities’ emergency/contingency plans and activities.
- Master classes:
- At least 1 masterclass among municipalities and local emergency centres on their respective emergency/contingency plans.
CDR – location not decided, meeting rooms of CDR, the Municipalities or at the universities, alternatively conference facilities organized through procurement agreements of CDR.
Phase 1: Activity: 1
Phase 2 and beyond: Activities 2-5
As also stated in Form B section 1.1. the present gaps and shortcomings that hinder effective implementation of the plans are at least threefold. Firstly, the cross-sectoral nature of CCA, which demands a new governance paradigm stressing integrated planning accommodating the entire hydrological cycle. Secondly, lack of knowledge, knowledge sharing and capacity building on commonly shared issues and solutions among local authorities hinders integrated CCA planning. Thirdly, the difference in level of ambition and implementation between the prosperous and less prosperous municipalities decrease resilience especially among the less prosperous.
There are no significant constraints in implementing the mentioned governance actions, as CDR has extensive experience in organizing and facilitating workshop and course activities. However, one constraint may be related to securing the quality of a workshop e.g. that the scope meets the need of the municipalities. CDR has and will continue to have thorough dialogue with the partners of C2C, where expressed needs and wishes for capacity building and knowledge sharing of the partners will be met. It is expected that new needs will occur during the project period. Another constraint may relate to choosing the right lecturers for a course who possess sufficient knowledge andare good facilitators. In this regard CDR will involve the network of the Advisory Board, the partners and CDR itself.
C5.1: Phase 1: Awareness on the importance of integrative planning and motivation for working with multi-functional, sustainable and holistic solutions. Capacity building on international and national experiences with network governance. Participation of at least 100 partners and stakeholders at C2C CC workshops in at least two workshops/networking arrangements.
Phase 2: Awereness on the SDGs as instrument in planning sustainable. During interviews, the secretariat will investigate the dissemination of SDGs as a basis for interdisciplinary planning in the partnership.
Participation of at least 100 partners and stakeholders at C2C CC workshops.
That the MGA is implementes in the organizations at least half of the partners.
Phase 3: 1 common CCA strategy to guide the individual CCA plans to incorporate sustainability, whereas at least 15 C2C CC partners have contributed to the development of the common CCA strategy.
C5.2: Networking and knowledge-sharing of at least 200 persons (4 persons from each partner and an additional number of stakeholders) in an annual workshop through phase 1 and phase 2.
C5.3: The Advisory Committee build capacity among C2C CC partners on how to manage processes with many actors and stakeholders. Improved network governance processes specifically in actions C9, C10, C11, C12, C13 and C14. At least 300 participants from C8-C24 participates in 6 initial workshops between the Advisory Committee and the actions. Call service used twice a month, where the partners can call the Advisory Committee for advice, 1 half day seminar with expert presentations on theoretical aspects and partner presentation with initial experiences.
C5.4: Phase 1:The capacity building development programme will ensure that the officials improve their ability to work holistically with CCA and in close collaboration with relevant actors and stakeholders.
Phase 2: The capacity building activities will result in better designed and performed CCA plans and actions. 30 participants per course is expected, corresponding to at least 150 participants in the two courses on stakeholder and citizen involvement and emergency/contingency planning, and additional courses according to needs. At least 60 participants attending the evaluation workshop emergency/contingency plans and activities. At least 50 selected participants attending master classes
Phase 3: The program further develops and test innovative teaching material / governance manual to support proffecionals among and besides the participating muicipalities and utilities to support value creating climate.
Based on working days with salary of 47 € per Hour and 347,5 € per day per senior employee and 35 € per hour and 259 Euros per day for junior employee.
Workshops and meetings includes budgets for lunch coffee and conference venue 75 € per participant.
Workshops includes preparations in advance and hours spend during workshop and after the event for output material.
Workshop transport is calculated via an average of 100 km and 0,487 € kr. per km
Programme, presentations and evaluations from all meetings/workshop, available at www.c2ccc.eu
Newsletter, information at website and press releases for each meeting
Inspiration material on experiences and recommendations for future practice in Danish and English. Published in 200 copies and available at www.c2ccc.eu
Study tour report
Programme, presentations and evaluations from all annual workshops, available at www.c2ccc.eu
C.5.3. Phase 1, 2 og 3:
Newsletter on the activities of the Advisory Committees available at www.c2ccc.eu
Small videos on the experiences, benefits and recommendations of the C2C CC actions available at www.c2ccc.eu
Reports on expert consultations
Phase 3:
Peer reviewed journal article on the experiences of network governance in C2C CC.
1 guideline for network governance based on the experience in C2C CC
Phase 1:
A capacity development programme for training courses, workshops and master classes available at www.c2ccc.eu
A master class trainingcourse on making added value in corporation with all relevant stakeholders locally and broader as dscribed above.
Phase 2:
Innovative teaching material / governance manual on value-creating climate adaption.
Cource and workshop materials available at www.c2ccc.eu
One article in a Danish journal for professionals such as 'Teknik og Miljø'
1-2 international research publications
Phase 3:
Course and workshop materials available at www.c2ccc.eu
Phase 1
31/12/2017; 31/12/2018: Report on Expert consultations and two workshops, 100 participants
Review report of European reports and projects
31/03/2017: Interviews with Danish ministries, networks and universities, 10 interviews
01/07/2017: Study tour to Germany and The Netherlands to study organizational and practical solutions on CCA and coastal challenges, 25 participants
31/10/2017: One evaluation and assessment
Phase 2
31/12/2018: Training course in integrative planning processes and network governance, , 200 participants
31/12/2019: Training course on SDG's (45 participants)
31/12/2019: 6 catchment based workshops with C2C CC partners to define cross-cutting issues and activities and to decide on a common framework for integrative planning (all six workshops)
Phase 3:
01/01/2021: Development and formulation of a common regional strategy on CCA with the outset in integrative planning and network governance.
01/01/2021: At least one of the 6 C2C CC thematic partner seminars (stormøde) has adopted integrative planning as a common theme.
01/01/2022: One evaluation and assessment report
Phase 1:
31/12/2017; 31/12/2018: Two annual workshops, 200 participants each
Phase 2
31/12/2019, 31/12/2020: Two annual workshops, 200 participants each
Phase 3:
31/12/2021; 31/12/2022: Two annual workshops, 200 participants all together
31/12/2018: Six workshops (all six workshops), 200 participants total
01/07/2017: Functional call service up and running, where the partners can call the Advisory Committee for advice
31/12/2017: One half day seminar with expert presentations on theoretical aspects and partner presentation with initial experiences
Phase 2 and 3:
31/12/2020; 31/12/2022: 2 times six workshops (six workshops every two years), 400 participants total
31/12/2020; 31/12/2022: Call service, where the partners can call the Advisory Committee for advice (to be continued from phase 1)
31/12/2020; 31/12/2022: One half day seminar every two years
31/10/2017: Capacity development programme for the C2C CC partnership
Phase 2:
31/12/2020: A survey among all municipalitilies to asses and describe the valuation creation
31/12/2020: A Masterclass on value creation
31/12/2020: One article in a Danish Publication for professionals
31/12/2020: 3 training courses, 150 participants all together
31/12/2020: Evaluation workshop organized at the end of Phase 2, 60 participants
31/12/2020: Teaching material
Phase 3:
31/12/2022: Five training courses, 150 participants
31/12/2022: Evaluation workshop organised at the end of Phase 3, 60 participants
31/12/2022: 1-2 international publications in review