Beneficiary responsible for implementation:
Central Denmark Region (CDR)

Budget: 190.560€

Number of days estimated spent on action in phase 1: 175 Days

Role: CDR take on the role as a facilitator, coordinator and networking body of the CCA activities.

Relation to CLimate Change Adaption (CCA) plan:
14 of the CCA plans and three of the risk management plans mention the importance of cooperation in relation to CCA.

Linked to Complementary Actions:

  • "Plowing Free Denmark - a green twist of agriculture towards conservation agriculture" Aarhus University The action supplements C5 by changed agricultural practice to reduce flooding. [Accepted for full application in May 2016, VELUX Foundations].

  • WaterCoG”: A project around the North Sea involving eight beneficiaries from DK, NL, SE and UK. The focus is on improved water governance in the private and public sector and includes pilots in the region. Testing and demonstrating new management tools. The WaterCoG and C2C CC will have strong synergies in relation to water management, planning and stakeholder involvement. Complements C5. [Funded by InterregVB].

  • Citizen awareness: Outreach and communication to strengthen citizens’ awareness to act on climate change. In cooperation with researchers, teaching staff and children. Complements C5. [Funded by Regional Development Funds].

Description (what, how, where and when):
The aim of C5 is building capacity for a new CCA governance paradigm stressing integrated planning and accommodating the entire hydrological cycle. The objective is to increase resilience through capacity-building, strengthened network governance and cross-border coordinated planning.