Beneficiary responsible for implementation: Central Denmark Region (CDR)

Number of days estimated spent on action in phase 1: 150 Days

Budget: 132.723 €

Role: C2C CC project management (CDR) take on the role as a facilitator, coordinator and networking body of the CCA activities.

Relation to Climate Change Adaption plans:

14 out of the 21 municipalities as well as 4 risk management plans mention flood risk from the sea and fjords as a major challenge in their CCA plans (cf. Figure 1). In the region, two cities are appointed to be risk-prone from the sea or fjords with reference to the EU floods Directive, these being Randers and Juelsminde. In Randers the flood risk is related to sea level rise, storm surges and combined events between river and fjord. In Juelsminde the risk is related to sea level rise and storm surges. Besides these two areas, the land facing the western part of the Limfjord is already experiencing flooding from storm surges regularly, especially during autumn and winter storms.

Figure 8: Risk Management plans under the EU Floods Directive in Central Denmark Region. The city Vejle is situated just south of Central Denmark Region, in South Denmark Region.

Linked to Complementary Actions

CCA in coastal urban areas: Urban development and construction project on CCA of an urban area facing the sea. Realdania’s forthcoming programme focuses on coastal urban areas, and a project within the region will support the IP by making an urban area resilient towards flooding from the sea. [Funded by Realdania]. 

Description (what, how, where and when):

The region has approximately 1000 km of coastline and is experiencing increasing challenges related to storm surges. The largest event occurred in relation to the December storm in 2013 (in Denmark the storm was named Bodil), with the highest registered water level in Lemvig with 195 cm above normal and just 10 cm from flooding a recently established floodwall in Lemvig (cf. Figure 9). The increasing power of the storms due to higher sea temperatures are already experienced in Denmark and among the region’s coastal areas. Sea level rise will only increase the risk of flooding of coastal habitats and livelihoods.

The objective of this action is: To increase the coastal resilience taking into consideration the environmental state and marine biodiversity and to enhance urban resilience.

Figure 9: Lemvig floodwall during the December Storm, December 2013.