C15: Climate Change Adaption in Hedensted and Tørring with focus on growth, added value, sustainability and innovation
This action focuses on sustainable Climate Change Adaption (CCA) through a holistic concept, involving approaches that brings together the environment, society and the economy.
The farming sector is important because of its agricultural procuction, while, at the same time, it manages areas that are important for the CCA of towns and cities.
It is important to counteract the decline in residential areas and accommodate the potential for continued production opportunities in farming and for growth in general.
Solutions must be implemented in collaboration between local farmers, technical water experts, and, if required, water utilities, that have knowledge of and experience with precipitation, water movement in the soil, drainage systems, hydraulics, watercourses, the use of the area and choice of crops.
This action is primarily linked to governance and innovation within all aspects of the hydrological cycle apart from sea & fjords.
Main responsible beneficiary: Hedensted Municipality
Number of days estimated spent on action in phase 1: 88 Days
Budget: 203.394€
Beneficiary responsible for implementation: Hedensted Municipality
Role of Hedensted Municipality:
- Is the project manager
- Enters into dialogue with Brian Kronvang of the DEC - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, and Jørgen Korning of SEGES, who have shown interest in the project.
- Coordinates with PM (CDR) and C13
Relation to Climate Change Adaption plans
Hedensted Municipality Climate Change Adaption plan and the related municipal plan’s guidelines for low-lying areas and wetlands, guidelines for technical installations, guidelines for towns and cities, and guidelines for agriculture and Biogas are particularly relevant in this action, which qualifies and supports the goal with the towns Hedensted and Tørring: Knowledge generation about areas with water problems, Value management and assessment of climate initiative, local organising and local goals.