C17: Thyborøn City and Harbour
As well as the Harboøre Tange
The town of Thyborøn is among the most climate vulnerable in Denmark and is challenged by climate change from all sides. This is aggravated by the fact that large parts of Thyborøn underground is based on filling material from the past.
In some areas of Thyborøn, subsidence of 1 cm per year can be seen. At the same time, Harboøre Tange is massively polluted due to the fact that the factory Cheminova has occupied the area since 1952.
Based on prior work, the project partners initiate together with relevant stakeholders the development of a dynamic adaptation model describing groundwater level as a function of seawater level, groundwater level, subsidence and wind conditions.
Innovative pipelines will feauture as an important part of this action. This action primarily links to governance and tools within all aspects of the hydrological cycle apart from rivers.
Main responsible beneficiary: Lemvig Municipality
Number of days estimated spent on action in phase 1: 404 Days
Budget: 651.545€
Beneficiaries responsible for implementation: Lemvig Municipality (LK), Lemvig Vand og Spildevand A/S (LVS), and CDR
Role of Lemvig Municipality:
- is project manager
- monitors project progress
- Integrates and cooperates with complementary project
- reports and cooperates with C2C CC PM
Role of Central Denmark Region:
- contributes to the model focusing particularly on polluted areas at Harboøre Tange
Role of Lemvig Water and Wastewater (Lemvig Vand og Spildevand A/S):
- is responsible for cooperation on innovative development on flexible pipes.
Relation to Climate Change Adaption (CCA) plans
Lemvig Municipality CCA plan