The sea level is rising and the high tides are expected to increase and become more extreme with higher sealevels and episodes that last longer.

High tides in some locations will push the seawater through the soil matrix in the hinterland, which means the groundwater will rise causing a lot of inconvenience for industry and citizens.

The project supports and qualifies the climate actions by gaining renewed knowledge about the interaction between saltwater and groundwater and the associated challenges.

Citizen participation is a pre-requisite for success. This action is primarily linked to governance and tools with sea & fjords and groundwater.

Main responsible beneficiary: Hedensted Municipality
Number of days estimated spent on action in phase 1: 89 Days
Budget: 81.437€

Beneficiary responsible for implementation: Hedensted Municipality (HEDKOM) is the project manager, VIA University College is project partner

Role of Hedensted Municipality:

  • is responsible for progress in the project, providing advice and contact to the stakeholders.

Role VIA University College:

  • is responsible for carrying out and planning data collection, and producing hydrological models of the area.

Relation to CCA plans

  • The action follows Hedensted Municipality's Climate Change Adaption plan, which aims to prevent the consequences of climate changes, where major exiting assets are threatened and Hedensted Municipality's risk assessment plan.

Linked to Complementary Actions
As of now, there is no complementary action to C18