The Climatorium is pivotal in the establishment of a CCA Cluster on coastal environment in the region. Other C2C CC actions, dealing with the coastal environment (C8, C9, C11, C14, C17, C18, C 24) can use the Climatorium for communication and innovation.
The Climatorium and AquaGlobe (C20) benefit each other by their different locations in the region and their focus on saltwater and freshwater, respectively. The two actions thus collaborates on ideas, exchange of data, research, tourism, exhibitions etc. The two different locations secures geographical dispersion and attraction of tourists across the region.
The purpose of the Climatorium is to gather knowledge, business and tourism on CCA aspects within an innovation house. This house will have shared office spaces for companies and research institutions (for researchers as well as master and ph.d. students).
The objective is to increase innovation through day-to-day interaction and planned in house seminars. In the core of the house a dynamic climate exhibition will inform about climate change and illustrate selected solutions for the visitors of the house as well as tourists.
The results of the coastal C2C CC actions (C8, C9, C11, C14, C17, C18, C24) will be exhibited in the Climatorium. Exhibitions are coordinated with AquaGlobe (C20). The Climatorium showroom will be expanded continuously with the best practice from C2C CC and with new CCA knowledge in general.
The Climatorium will create a showroom based on companies, innovation, entrepreneurs, researchers, authorities, organizations and tourist actors within water and climate change. The house will be open for holiday- and corporate tourists with exhibitions on the ground floor, special climate tours in the area, presentations of CCA technologies and research, as well as innovation seminars with the companies and organisations in-house.
There are 8.3 mill. coastal tourists from all over Europe per year in the Central Denmark Region, mainly related to the west coast (Dansk Erhverv, 2013), and besides the coast itself Jesperhus Blomsterpark (250,000 turists per year), Klitmøller surf area, and Nationalpark Thy (Natura 2000 area) are well known tourist attractions, which target group the Climatorium supports.
It will be established on the harbor front in the city of Lemvig, a central location in the region in regard to saltwater and coastal challenges, and the location supports and benefits from other climate activities in the area, e.g. Geopark West Jutland (in consideration at UNESCO Global Geopark), which focuses on the geology, groundwater, historical landscape changes and sustainability of the area.
Climate change impacts this area physically, which already attracts ‘climate’ tourists in bad weather. The local weather and climate conditions set demands for the solutions developed, see Figure 9 (Lemvig Le Mur during the Bodil storm). The location itself and the innovative solutions will be of inspiration for others.
The following local climate change measures and landscape characteristics will be part of the showroom:
- ”Le Mur”: Flooding and flood risk in Lemvig solved with an architectual designed flood wall called "Le Mur" (see figure)
- Disembarking in Thyborøn: Disembarking in Thyborøn and the issues of rising groundwater level and saltwater intrusion, which impacts underground infrastructure such as shorter lifetime of sewer pipes. Research and innovation processes between research institutionens, private actors and local governments
- Geosites: The sea eats of the coastline and exposes the geological layers from the two recent ice ages. 135,000 years of climate history is visualized. Geopark West Jutland involves different geosites and examples of most Danish coast types (cf. figure 47)
- Coastal protection solutions: Climate change and natural hazards lead to local flooding, erosion and silting of fairways – New solutions are implemented incl. dikes, coastal protection, sand removal, and new coastal planning. The Danish Coastal Authority in Lemvig and Lemvig Municipality are collaborating on these measures.
- Co-creation: Climate change impacts agriculture by larger leaching of nutrients to freshwater and coastal environments, furthermore is the farmland challenged by an increase in days with waterlogged soils and flooding. The solutions demand collaboration between agricultural businesses, water utilities, companies and authorities that results in a more sustainable environment and a business model for farming. Lemvig has 30 years of experience with co-creation on biogas. Lemvig Water and Wastewater A/S delivers ferrous sludge for phosphor extraction, the yield is 100 % (compared to 40 % by existing technology), and with less CO2 emissions.
- Stormwater basins to prevent phosphor discharge Lemvig Water and Wastewater A/S and Lemvig Municipality collaborates on implementing stormwater bassins in natural areas to prevent flooding and to prevent phosphor leaching into streams and fjords. Lab tests are carried out and sludge is removed if containing hazardous substances to secure ecology and biodiversity.
Phase 1 (2017-2018):
Analysis of the potential of a Climate Change Adaption business network and tourism.
- Analysis of company types in the region and visualization of the synergies between business areas and products.
- Interviews with entrepreneurs on their needs and interests in an innovation house
- Interviews with companies on their needs and interests in an innovation house
- Feasibility study on the potential of tourism incl. spin off from other tourist attractions in the area.
Planning and conceptual design.
- Preparation of design criteria of the innovation house incl. tenants commitments, knowledge sharing measures and climate features.
- Preparation of zoning plan.
- Preparation of conceptual design incl. climate features, design and construction costs.
Phase 2 and beyond:
The Climatorium will be constructed and taken into use.
Phase 1
Activities related to bullet 1 to 4
Where: The Climatorium will be situated in Lemvig, however, act as a regional hub together with AquaGlobe (C20)
When: January 2017 – December 2018
Phase 2 and beyond
Activities related to bullet 5 to 7
When: Phase 2 and Phase 3