C6: Tools
Beneficiary responsible for implementation:
Central Denmark Region (CDR)
Budget: 655.704€
Number of days estimated spent on action in phase 1: 10 Days
Role: Central Denmark Region will take on the role as initiator of developing common crosscutting tools which can be used by the 21 municipalities and the water utilities in C2C CC.
Description (what, how, where and when):
The objective of this action is to increase resilience through enhanced decision-making processes.
Relation to Climate Change Adaption (CCA) plans:
In all the CCA plans there is a demand on an increased level of knowledge, and in particular tools to address specific challenges such as high groundwater tables. During workshops held to prepare the C2C CC project, the municipalities underlined the importance of developing tools to increase the knowledge on groundwater changes locally. Furthermore, there have been a general interest in making a surface/stream water module, which may model the effect of changes.
Linked to Complementary Actions
- “WaterCoG”: A project around the North Sea involving eight beneficiaries from DK, NL, SE and UK. The focus is on improved water governance in the private and public sector and includes pilots in the region. Testing and demonstrating new management tools. The WaterCoG and C6 will have strong synergies in relation to benefitting from the tools developed. [Funded by InterregVB].
- “TOPSOIL”: Focusing on issues related to rising groundwater levels and related climate change implications. Includes beneficiaries from DK, DE, NL, BE and UK and will add European aspects on groundwater to C2C CC. Complements C6.1 in relation to produced knowledge on the topsoil. [Funded by InterregVB].
Description (what, how, where and when):
In C6 there is a special emphasis on building up tools to be used across the whole of the CDR region.