C8: Håb to Håb
Development of the Coastal land between Glud Håb and Håbet
The project focuses on involving stakeholders, politicians, administration, the wastewater utility, etc. in an effort to create a common understanding of the Climate Change Adaption (CCA) challenges in order to make long-term sustainable choices. It is primarily linked to governance within sea & fjords and rainwater.
Main responsible beneficiary: Hedensted Municipality
Number of days estimated spent on action in phase 1: 94 Days
Budget: 238.788€
Beneficiary responsible for implementation: HEDKOM
Role of HEDKOM:
- Is the project manager
- Cooperates with Aarhus University providing climate and culture historical consultation services (financed through C.24) and Hedensted Waste Water Company on the complementary project,
- Engages and involves politicians, citizens, citizens' organisations, etc.
- Reports to C2C CC project-leader and cooperates with other C2C CC partners
Relation to Climate Change Adaption plans
The action is part of Hedensted CCA municipal plan, which aims to prevent the consequences of climate changes, where major exiting assets are threatened (p. 21), taking into consideration guidelines for lowland areas and wetlands, as well as guidelines for technical installations.
Relation to cross-cutting capacity building actions (C1-C7) and innovative actions (C20-C24)
Activity C8 Håb til Håb will gain from actions under C1 relating to desk analysis and identification of knowledge gaps and reviews of in the risk maps and planned actions.
Experience will be exchanged between demonstration projects C10, C11, C14 and C18 dealing with the coastal cities of Horsens, Randers and Grenaa.
A common understanding between stakeholders of sustainable solutions (economically, environmentally, socially and long term) with a focus on land use, cost-effective measures, planning, implementation, maintenance and operation will be shared and developed across actions C9, C10, C11, C14, C17, C18 and facilitated by CDR.
Under C1 a workshop will be held to assess synergies and possibilities of integrated solutions for the fjords at the East Coast.
Under action C3, in selected areas a detailed local model is set up focusing on groundwater, surface and/or seawater.
Models are based on the present data and collections of new data sets e.g geophysical data and C8 will benefit from this model.
Under ation C5 specific training courses, workshops and masterclasses, with point of departure in the challenges experienced by the partners will be implemented for the benefiot of Action C8 and other actions.
C24 focuses among other things on innovative communication of the coupling between climate history and culture.
Project C8 will function as a pilot where citizen-driven climate adaption will include an environmental and cultural-historical dimension.
Linked to Complementary Actions
C8 is linked to a complementary action by Hedensted Waste Water Company. It is commonly known that sewer systems must be maintained and renovated, but at the same time, there is a fear that solutions will be short-termed and not sufficiently sustainable.
Hedensted Waste Water Company is responsible for the maintenance of the sewer, and will inter into cooperation with Hedensted Municipality and involved stakeholders in order to base decisions on the scenarios that are developed during the C2C CC project.
In this way, decision on introducing certain sewer systems do not hinder innovative solutions in the long run. 3.4 mio. € has been allocated to this activity.