About C2C CC
C2C CC stands for Coast to Coast Climate Challenge.
C2C CC is a 6-year project on climate change adaptation taking place from January 2017 to December 2022 consisting of 3 stages as illustrated in the timeline below.
Unlike other similar largescale projects C2C CC sets itself apart by primarily being a brainwork project, meaning that the project output mainly will consist of plans for implementing the various subprojects in their local context.
The aim is to go from being driven by fear to eventually realizing the potential and added value that climate change adaption solutions can bring.
The project is supported by the EU LIFE IP programme with DKK 52m and has a total budget of DKK 90m. In addition to this come construction costs in relation to the implementation of the many solutions developed during the project.
Go to matrix illustrating the scope of C2C CC and cross-cutting activities of the 24 subprojects.
Project partners
31 partners are involved and collaborate in the Coast to Coast Climate Challenge project. Most of them are from the Central Denmark Region and some are from the North Denmark Region.
The partners are:
- Favrskov Municipality
- Hedensted Municipality
- Herning Municipality
- Holstebro Municipality
- Horsens Municipality
- Lemvig Municipality
- Lemvig Water & Wastewater A/S
- Morsø Utility A/S
- Morsø Municipality
- Norddjurs Municipality
- Randers Municipality
- Samsø Municipality
- Silkeborg Municipality
- Skanderborg Utility A/S
- Skanderborg Municipality
- Skive Municipality
- Skive Water A/S
- Struer Utility & Wastewater A/S
- Struer Municipality
- Syddjurs Municipality
- Thisted Municipality
- Thisted Wastewater Transport A/S
- Vestforsyning A/S
- Vesthimmerland Municipality
- Vesthimmerland Water A/S
- VIA University College
- Viborg Municipality
- Aalborg University
- Aarhus University
- Central Denmark EU Office
- Central Denmark Region as leadpartner
Supporting actors
25 supporting partners are in addition to these also connected to the project.
The supporting actors are:
- Danish Emergency Management Agency
- Concito
- DM&E
- Danish Industry
- DTU Environment
- Danish Export Association
- Aqua
- Insurance and Pension
- Ikast Brande Municipality
- Karlstad University
- The Danish Coastal Authority
- Mariagerfjord Muncipality
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Odder Municipality
- Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality
- SAMN Utility
- Syddansk University
- Technological Institute
- Water in Urban Areas
- Vandmiljø Randers
- Aarhus Municipality