C2C CC Platform Meeting: "LIFE innovates Climate Action"

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The European Climate Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), NEEMO, and the LIFE Integrated Project Coast to Coast Climate Challenge (C2C CC) had the great pleasure to host the platform event on systemic innovation and climate action.

The platform event showcased best practice of systemic innovations that make municipal and regional climate change faster, better, and smoother.

Read more about the Platform Meeting here


Done. What's Next? Conference 19.-20. September 2022

C2C CC and Circular City marked the end of the projects with an international conference with more than 320 participants on the 19.-20. September 2022. 


Read more about the Conference here

IWA 2020 in Copenhagen

In october 2020  the IWA meeting will take place in Bella Centret in Copenhagen. C2C CC will participate with workshops, posters and technical tours.

Read more


Visit at LIFE Coast Adapt in Sweden

In February 2020 the secretariat from C2C CC in compagny with the Danish Coastal Directorate visited the LIFE project LIFE Cast Adapt in Malmø. See the presentations of LIFE Coast Adapt and of Coast to Coast Climate Challenge.

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Excursion to the UK 2019

The C2C CC partnership went on an excursion to the UK on the 24th – 28th June 2019 which was arranged in cooperation with the British Environmental Agency (EA)

Learn more about the excursion here.


ECCA 2019 in Lisbon

In june 2019 both the secretariate and several of the sub projects in C2C CC participated in the ECCA 2019 conference in Lisbon.

We had a posterpresentation about a tool to assess shallow groundwater, developed in the project.

Download the poster.

Representatives from the partnership behind C2C CC had a workshop about Cross Border Collaboration and Solutions.

Download the presentation.


Climate Change Dialogue Platform in Riga

On the 16th of November 2018, advisor from the C2C CC secretariat, Rikke Nan Valdermarsen, participated in the 9th BSR Climate Change Dialogue Platform RT meeting in Riga, Latvia, at the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia, to give a presentation on working with the municipalities from a regional point of view.


Access the presentation in pdf here.

Visit from Tokyo

Mr. Ichihashis talks about Tokyo's climate challenges

On the 31st of October 2018, the Chief for Urban Environment & Climate Change Division at Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Environmental Protection, Arata Ichihashis, visisted the C2C partnership in Aquaglobe. Mr. Ichihashis presented Tokyo's climate challenges.


Access Mr. Ichihashis' presentation in pdf here.

NOCCA conference in Sweden

C2C contributed with a poster on Climate Change Adaptation in A Governance Perspective

From the 23rd to the 25th of October 2018 C2C CC participated in the 5th NOCCA (Nordic Conference on Climate Change Adaptation) conference in Norrköping, Sweden.


C2C contributed with a poster on Climate Change Adaptation in A Governance Perspective. Access the poster here.

IWA 2018, Tokyo


From the 16th to the 21th of September 2018, 3 people from the C2C secretariat and 9 people from the C2C partnership participated in the IWA (International Water Association) World Water Congress and Exhibition in Tokyo, Japan. In total 140 persons represented the Danish delegation.

C2C partnership on excursion to the Netherlands

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From the 28th to the 31st of May 2018, 50 participant from the C2C partnership went on excursion to the Netherlands to learn about:

  1. Engendering a common responsibility and increased value.
  2. Dealing with floodings from rivers and heavy rain.
  3. Seawater challenges.
  4. Modelling tools.

ECCA 2017 – Our Climate Ready Future

Over 850 people were welcomed to the City of Glasgow to attend ECCA 2017, ‘Our Climate Ready Future’, in June 2017.

The C2C CC partnership was represented from both the secretariat and four sub projects, and had arranged a workshop about the project and the unique partnership. It was called "Cross-boundary implementation of climate adaptation plans in Central Denmark Region"


Platform meeting in Barcelona, June 2017

LIFE Platform Meeting on Climate Action in Urban Areas
21-22 June 2017

The focus was climate action in urban areas in LIFE projects. See a flyer and the agenda.

We had a short presentation of C2C CC.


IP meeting in Finland

From the 7th to the 9th of February 2017, a small delegation from the C2C CC project participated in an IP meeting in Finland with the objective to network with other IP projects and to learn how to administrate a cross-cutting project and report important outputs.

Here we met the monitoring team from NEEMO and representatives from EASME for the first time. We also met the other LIFE IP supported from LIFE IP 2015.
